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Physical Education Program

The Physical Education Program at the Center Moriches School District is categorized into four areas- Primary Physical Education (grades K-3), Intermediate Physical Education (grade 4-5), Middle School Physical Education (grades 6-8), High School Physical Education (grades 9-12).

  • In the Primary grades, the program will concentrate on Movement Education, Locomotive skills, and Rhythmic movement patterns.
  • At the Intermediate level, in addition to the above, games and sports as well as interdiscipinary activities will be added to the program. Teachers will correlate subjects such as mathematics, science, art, and geography or social studies into some part of the various units of study  One area which will definitely will be touched is the detrimental effects of tobacco and alcohol.
  • Secondary Physical Education will concentrate on Personal Fitness activities which will emphasize the importance of taking care of one's body. Discussion on Health related topics-such as proper nutrition,  alcohol and tobacco etc. will also be included in the program.  Last school year, the Center Moriches High School Physical Education program incorporated a six-week social dance unit which was extremely popular. This culminated with a Dance Night where one hundred students demonstrated the dances they were taught to their parents who attended the dance recital. We plan on continuing this program in the years to come. Aerobics, Pilates, Yoga,  Weight Room instruction. Games and "trusting" activities as well as individual life long activities and team sports will also be part of the curriculum.

If there are any questions: you may contact Jeremy Thode - Director of Health,Physical Education, Business, Fine& Applied Arts and Athletics at the following number:

(631) 878-0092 ext. 224